
Showing posts from June, 2010

Welcome to the New Blog

After several months of consideration and constantly changing my mind, I have moved Shipwrecked and Comatose to this location.   S&C started out on MySpace in 2006. I knew I had to have a blog because my brain is just so stuffed full of junk that I had to let it all out. Since I’m a huge attention whore, I felt like I had to make that stuff public. I would blog about my experiences, my opinions, my observations, and random ideas that popped into my head.   As time went on, the novelty of blogging wore off. First it began to feel like I was just constantly blogging about everything that happened to me. Everything I said, did or felt became something I had to go blog about. I was living my life in blogs, experiencing life less for the sake of wondering how I was going to blog about it. A bitter edge crept into my blogs at times. I felt that I wasn’t self-censoring enough and I was saying things in my blog that really weren’t benefitting anyone. My blog...