
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Lie That Will Destroy Us

The United States has never been more divided. This divided country will fall apart. Are we headed for another civil war? It's hard to listen to any political commentary these days without hearing about how "divided" the country is. The United States isn't united. It's an assemblage of different groups who all have different goals and dreams and lifestyles and values. It's urban again rural, liberal against conservative, Christians against non-Christians, native-born against immigrants. The entire country is a powder keg of hate waiting to blow because nobody can agree on anything anymore. Is it really? The mass media and all the various political commentators feed us these stories about American division every day. They can't be wrong, can they? It's not as if the news outlets, owned by giant media conglomerates and run by billionaires have any stake in keeping us afraid, right? The media are all reporting the facts and there is no advantage to making