It's Time to End the "Karen" Meme
I suppose the mere fact that I am writing this blog post qualifies me as a "Karen". That's how far this whole Karen meme has gone. When I first saw Karen memes on social media, I assumed I missed out on some pop culture reference. For example, I didn't know the origin of "Bye Felicia," for a long time, so I assumed "Karen" was a reference to a movie or TV show I never saw. I have no problem admitting I'm unhip and not always current with what the kids are watching. I had to research it. The results were problematic to me. I learned a "Karen" is a selfish, entitled, woman, who makes unreasonable demands and will always ask to speak to a higher authority if not given what she wants. The meme often includes snarky requests to "speak to the manager". Karen is always white, and often blond with a strange or expensive haircut, and usually middle-aged. Karen thinks she is superior to you, and she is old enough to think she...