Billionaires In Space: Why I Can't Get Behind It
Imagine this. You want to become an astronaut. You study hard and go to college and obtain a science degree. You obtain a Master's Degree. You train to be a pilot and log 1000 hours commanding a jet aircraft. You go through a rigorous physical exam. At the end of all that, maybe NASA will let you fly a rocket ship if your training and skills are sufficient and you are in good physical condition. Imagine what it must feel like when a billionaire skips the line and buys his way into space. The United States has one of the best space programs on the planet (the only planet humans currently occupy) and this is because NASA hires the most qualified people. It hires the best engineers and technicians and pilots. The astronaut program only accepts candidates who can pass its rigorous physical tests. It's not a profession for the dilettante or the faint of heart. One does not become an astronaut because one thinks it ...