Random Thoughts 2
Tip of the day: Do NOT ever neglect to take your iPod, or at least your headphones, to the gym, even if you think you don't need them. This week I went to Zumba class. I didn't take my gym bag, which contained my music gear, because I was going to Zumba and wouldn't need to be entertained. I arrived at the gym to find that there was no class that night. The teacher didn't show up. I was stuck doing the hamster wheels for exercise with no music or even television to keep me from going crazy. I don't like my new Lean Eating exercise phase. I have no problem doing the exercises. It's just that in the demos they provide for us they show a model doing front squats in the cage with 20 pound plates on the bar. I went into the cage to do front squats and learned I can't even hold the bar in front unweighted. Now that demo just makes me feel inadequate! I know I said in another post that I should accept spring as is, but this ...