I Would Call It "Things I Don't Get", but Sadly, I Get It
The recent Colorado shootings have had the proverbial guns blazing on both sides of the political fence regarding the place of firearms in our society. Gun laws in this country haven’t been this relaxed in decades. There is more freedom to carry guns than there has ever been in my lifetime. Still every day I hear the voices crying out that our gun rights are being taken away. I have never heard President Obama speak out about tighter gun control laws, and yet gun enthusiasts continue to pillory him as the man who will take their guns away. I just want to understand why guns are so important to so many. Why do you want so badly to have weapons that kill people? Don’t tell me, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Obviously a gun isn’t going to kill anyone without someone operating it. I’m not that stupid. What a gun does is make killing another person, or even a crowd, fast and easy. ...