
Showing posts from January, 2013

Lean Eating Week 3 - On Track and yet Still Off

I entered Week 3 of Lean Eating still under the weather, but at least well enough to start working out again.  I haven't missed a workout all week despite a lot of residual coughing.  To top off the coughs, I seem to have pinched a nerve in my neck from all of that coughing.  Now I have one more injury to work around at the gym.  At least these days I am doing the workouts exactly as they are given.  I'm not adding anything.  I'm trying to be a good girl and not over-exert myself so I make myself sick again. *Sigh*  Two nights ago I had a dream where I was doing pushups effortlessly.  I kept doing them and doing them and even adding claps to some of them and that wasn't even hard.  I need to be well enough to challenge myself more. I still have to do the fish oil and probiotic thing, but this week's tracked habit is eating slowly. I don't eat slowly. I always wolf down my food.  It's as if I want to shove as much food down my gul...

Lean Eating - Impressions From Week 1

Today completes my first week of Lean Eating.  So far nothing about my life or my body has changed radically. I had such anticipation and even fear regarding what was going to happen next.  What would my tasks be?  Who would my coach be?  What habits would I be adopting right away? I very badly wanted my coach to be Krista Scott-Dixon .  It was the Stumptuous website that led me to Lean Eating in the first place.  Then I found out that she isn't going to be coaching the LE teams this year and is working more as a program developer for the parent company.  I looked at the coach bios and tried to see if one looked more appealing than the other.  I liked Veronica the Colombian woman who has curly dark hair like mine and rides horses.  I liked Krista Schaus, whose work and websites were always recommended by Scott-Dixon.  I liked the one coach who looked a little thicker than some of the others because her body looked more attainable. ...


Tonight I was planning to bake cookies for a theater group event that is happening tomorrow night.  I had a bit of a conundrum though.  I needed to go to the store for supplies and my car is in the shop.  I wouldn't be able to drive to the store to get them. I had two choices.  One would be to walk home and get Kevin's car and drive it to the A&P.  The other would be to walk. I hate parking Kevin's car.  The lot in our building is small and tight and Kevin's car, while no behemoth, is inconveniently large. The train station and the store are about equidistant from each other as my home and the train station.  That would mean double the walk home.  It's really cold out tonight too.  I did not enjoy my walk from my office to Grand Central Station tonight.  Did I really want to walk in the cold?  I considered again having to deal with getting Kevin's car in and out of the parking garage and decided to endure the walk. I wal...

So What's In Store For 2013?

I said in my last post that I'm going to distance myself from FB a bit.  The main reason was that I feel it will improve my IRL interactions.  The secondary reason was that I have a new project in 2013. My new project I'm afraid this isn't going to be some kind of touchy-feely, get-in-touch-with-my-better-self, embark-on-a-new life quest kind of project.  It's quite a literal one.  I have dug down not into the depths of my soul, but into the depths of my wallet, and joined the Lean Eating Program . The Lean Eating Program is a personalized fitness coaching tool where a trained coach slowly walks you through new exercise and eating habits on a daily and weekly basis.  The coach provides the program and guidance.  There is also online support from the other members of the group.  The program lasts a year and is costing me an arm and a leg. I just feel I have to do something.  I'm at the end of my rope. I wasn't a fat kid, but...

My Facebook Diet

No Muffins, this is not a new way I found to lose weight through Facebook. I mean that even though diets supposedly don’t work, I need to do some severe restriction. By the end of this week I am deleting Facebook apps from all of my mobile devices. The only time I will be able to go on Facebook is if I’m home for a stretch of time and have the time to turn on the desktop computer to play, and don’t have Kevin interrupting me to say he needs the computer for something more important than Facebook. At the beginning of the year I just made a New Year’s Resolution not to put any political posts on Facebook. I know I have a large group of like-minded friends who enjoy them. I also know I have collected a fairly diverse group of friends in the online space who aren’t always as like-minded. I’m cool with that. It keeps the world interesting. Unfortunately I have noticed a few unfriendings along the way and I’m sure many more have deleted me from their feeds. What’s the point of being co...

Irksome Facebook Post of the Week

I was seeing this one almost daily. Unfortunately, every posting I see of it has been taken down or just plain disappeared, which makes it so much harder to post about it her on S&C.  I swear sometimes people are psychic and therefore take their postings down before they can be reprinted as "Irsksome Facebook Post of the Week." What is says: Should Children say the Pledge of Allegiance in School Like if Yes Comment if No Every time I see it, I do what it says and post my comment with my emphatic answer. NO! I can hear the outrage being directed at me. I’m a godless, America-hating, filthy liberal scum not worthy of residing in our great country. Republicans are demanding I pack my bags. That is exactly the reason why I am against the Pledge. Why do we wrap so much of our patriotism up over whether or not we swear allegiance to a piece of cloth? Is that all there is to love of country – a rote piece of recitation? Do you seriously believe that I must hate ...

Things I Will Probably Never Do: The Anti-Bucket List

In my last post I enumerated the travel-related items on my bucket list.  What are my priorities for seeing the world for the rest of my life? Here is my opposite list.  These are the things I never intend to do.  I won't say outright that I'll never do them, because one should never say never, but I can guarantee you they are on no "To Do" list of mine for the foresseable future. 1.  Vote Republican 2.  Get a tattoo 3.  Live in a major city 4.  Read the next two Fifty Shades books, the next 6 Harry Potter books, or any of the Twilight series. 5.  Watch beyond the first season of House , the first season of Mad Men ,  the first episode of Breaking Bad , the last 6 Harry Potter movies, or any of the Twilight movies. 6. Do meth, cocaine, or heroin 7. Own an SUV 8. Become an active faithful member of a patriarchal religion 9. Pronounce the t in often 10. Call olive oil "EVOO" I'm sure there is something on this list to off...