Two Words - A New Game

I recently learned the movie High Fidelity was rebooted as a Hulu series with a gender swap and starring Zoe Kravitz.  I didn’t hate the original movie, but it was flawed.  For one thing it was too long and needed some more time in the cutting room.  Furthermore, John Cusack's character was often unsympathetic and rarely acknowledged his own shortcomings.. 

I still thought it was an interesting concept. The end of one relationship can bring on some introspection about where the others before it went  wrong. A breakup can force you to confront some ugly truths about yourself.   I understand Cusack's desire to spend that time looking backwards.  Why did breakups happen?  What was my role in each one?

I have been happily married for over eighteen years, so I no longer have much interest in figuring out how my personal issues and actions contributed to past broken hearts.  I must be doing something right with the current man, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Even so, I sometimes think it's fun to look back on where I have been so I can see how far I have come.

So I have decided to reduce some of my relationships, or some of the men I dated, to two words.  If I had to describe the man or the relationship in two words, what would they be?

Eternally Fickle

Cherished Friend

Arrogant Twit

Experimental Phase

Neurotic Romantic

Himbo Interlude

Tragic Timing

Insecure Immaturity

Finally Forever

Can you describe any of your past relationships in two words?


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