Random Thoughts 34



I need to stop watching Star Wars because it throws my overthinking into overdrive.  Here is today's observation.

In the faraway galaxy where the Star Wars characters live, there are many different species of alien, but the dominant one, the species of most of the main characters, is human - or at least something that resembles humans. 

So if human life can evolve and survive on these planets, why can't all the animals evolve the same way as well? It seems the environments of these planets are compatible with similar life forms. Nonetheless, I don't see anything resembling a dog or a pigeon or a horse or a canary or an iguana.  Well, maybe they resemble these animals, but they don't resemble them the way Luke Skywalker resembles a human.

For example, Sabine Wren has a pet that meows like a cat and purrs like a cat, but only has a passing resemblance to a cat. If Sabine can be human (or at least outwardly look human) and live on her planet, why can't an earthling cat?


Hitherto I never used the word hitherto. I think I should start using it more. I like that word. It’s useful. We don't use it enough in these modern times.


October 1st

Temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Average American: "It's such a beautiful cool fall day. I think I will put on my cozy pumpkin spice sweater.

April 1st

Temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Average American: "It's such a beautiful warm spring day. I'm going to wear shorts.


HULU ANNOUNCER: The following is only intended for mature audiences

RACHEL: I guess I can’t watch it then


Fight me on this: Music critics - and the hearing population of the world - consider Starship's We Built This City to be the worst pop song ever. 

I disagree. It's not the worst song Starship ever put out. Sure some of the lines in the song are sort of bizarre, but it took some thought and creativity to produce lines like Knee deep in the hoopla, Marconi plays the mambo, and We built this city on rock and roll

Think of Starship's other inexplicable big hit of the period, Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now. Name one thing creative or original in that song. The melody is tedious with whiny keyboard arpeggios desperately trying to add some flavor to the song and failing. Then there are the lyrics. A fifth grader could have written, "And we can build this dream together/standing strong forever/nothing's gonna stop us now/and if this world runs out of lovers/we'll still have each other/nothing's gonna stop us now". Let's not forget it was the theme song for a hideously mediocre movie. I would say this one tops We Built This City as Starship's ultimate stinker (and thus the worst pop song ever).

White Rabbit it's not.


I made a post about two years ago about how I don't care if they legalize marijuana in NY or not. I see the pros and cons, but I don't care because I don't smoke it.

Now that it's legal, I smell it all over the streets of NY. The walk to and from my office or walk to the park on my lunch break smelled bad enough pre legalization. Now the streets always reek of weed. I feel nauseated half the time I'm out there. I'm done. Let's make it illegal again.


Is it weird (or maybe I should ask if it's the nerdiest thing I ever said) that I love Fresh Direct commercials? They resonate with me. Whoever created those commercials knows how to tap into the psyche of people who love to cook and eat. I feel heard when I see those commercials. This company understands why food is love to me. Food does deliver me. In fact, I even love food shopping (so much so that I would rather go to the store than have Fresh Direct deliver food unless it's a holiday. Also, we all know I love the farm market). Thank you Fresh Direct. You get me.


Public Service Announcement: Nothing is different than anything else.

Many things are different from anything else. 

This little piece of important grammar seems to be lost in the English lexicon these days. Remember good grammar is better than poor grammar, but bad grammar is no different from ignorance.


When Europeans talk about how they can easily spot an American tourist, they often say they wear sandals with socks. For years I didn’t understand where they saw this. I didn’t know anyone who wore socks with sandals. I think Americans understand this not only looks ugly, but goes against the point of wearing sandals.

But I see what they are talking about now. Socks and sandals seems to be the norm among teenage boys. I am sort of grateful they do this as the sandals in question are almost always slides and the socks cushion that slap-slap noise caused by a bare foot smacking the bottom of a sandal. I hate that noise.

Additionally, men don’t get pedicures or pay attention to their feet the way women do. Men’s feet can be all scaly and crusty with those long, yellow, uncut toenails. Keep your socks on, guys!


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