2024 Recap (Including The Box)

2025 is here without flying cars and meals in pill form, and with much fear and existential dread regarding the future of the United States. It's the time of the year where we try to make a plan for the coming year, hoping to improve on the things we didn't do well last year, while also looking back on the old year to reassure ourselves we didn't do as badly as we think we did.

2024 was an interesting year for me. I ended 2023 in a whirl of activity, then 2024 arrived as an enormous, cold, gray ball of nothingness. I looked to the months ahead with dread as it seemed I had little to look forward to. There were no plays, special vacations, or fun outings in the works. I was looking at a dull and dreadful winter. It hit me hard. I was miserable. Then I was even more miserable because I knew I had so much to be grateful for. I have the good fortune to have good health, a strong marriage, a loving family, a steady job, and a roof over my head. Why should I sit around crying over FOMO? So on top of feeling sort of bored and empty, I felt guilty for feeling that way.

Funny old thing life. It's what you make of it. I knew I had to ride the wave of uncertainty. I looked to the bleakest days of COVID lockdowns for inspiration. I made it through that time, I can make it through and dull year. I had to trust the year might bring me something more.

It brought me a broken collarbone. That wasn't a joyful event itself, but at least it made me feel better about not having much happening in my life. If I had any plans, I would have had to cancel them. 

The second half of the year was an improvement over the first. From July to the end of year I was caught in a veritable whirl of gaiety (thank you Laura Ingalls Wilder for teaching me that phrase). The next time I am paralyzed with ennui, I will remember how I felt at the beginning 2024 and remember the fun I had and the blessings it brought me.

2024: The Year of Tootsie and the Broken Collarbone (I think that's how I will always remember it)

Here is the box.

Nothing happened in 2024? This massive pile tells a different story.

February 1 - Kevin buys me an Apple watch as an early Valentine's Day gift (You can tell I was really grasping for something to put in the box at this point in the year).

February 2-17 - Kevin performs in Arsenic and Old Lace at Curtain Call theater.

February 4 - My family and I go to watch it together.

March 3 - It's a beautiful day and I am able to go outside and spend the day at the barn for the first time since I had my fall. I couldn't ride, but I could at least spend time with the horses.

March 29 - The doctor clears me to stop wearing the sling.

March 31 - Easter dinner at Mom's.

April 1 - Mom and I spent the day at MoMA with Dayle and Mike to see them one last time before they departed for their new home in California.

April 1 - Our new balcony sliders are installed.

May 12 - Family Mother's Day brunch.

June 1 - Family celebrates Penelope's graduation from SUNY Geneseo at Wellington's.

June 8 - I am recovered enough to start riding again.

June 9 - I emcee the annual Dance Connection recital.

June 12 - Kevin is cast in Stage Kiss in Harrison.

June 14 - I am cast in Tootsie with Curtain Call Theater.

June 15 - Father's Day celebration at The Smith.

June 19 - Mom and I spend the day at Storm King Arts Center

June 23 - Kevin's play, Death Comes to Flushing is accepted by the New Deal Creative Arts 10x10 Festival.

July 4 - Family barbecue at Erik's.

July 16 - Kevin and I have a fun day out bowling for my birthday. I conclude the day with a swim at Mom's and then Kevin and I reconvened for dinner at Augustine's.

July 21-28 - Chincoteague

Also we install new flooring that week.

September 13 - October 5 - Run of Tootsie. One of my best theater experiences ever. 

September 19- We see John Anderson and Carl Palmer in concert at the Capitol Theater.

September 27-28 - Death Comes to Flushing is performed at the 10x10 Festival.

October 6 - Anniversary #23. We don't get to spend much time together today, but we manage to have dinner together at Rani Mahal in the evening.

October 10- Mom and I make our annual Bronx Zoo visit.

October 10 - November 2  - I am a scare actor and guide at the Sleepy Hollow haunted house.

October 18-20 - Kevin performs in Stage Kiss. Broadway World gives him a rave.

Opposite her as the other actor auditioning is Kevin Arthur (as Kevin and other roles), who is marvelous as a thoroughly inept actor whose idea of a kiss bears a striking resemblance to a big-mouth bass yawning. Mr. Arthur's wordless moments are priceless, evoking for me the masterly mime Bill Irwin

October 26 - Bill and Anthony's wedding.

November 28  - Thanksgiving dinner at Mom's.

December 6 and 7 - Performing the It's a Wonderful Life radio play with the Harrison Players 

December 7 - Erik's birthday. We celebrate with dinner at Piero's before the performance. 

December 13 - Kevin and I see The Magic Flute at the Met.

December 14 - Kevin and I have a long overdue dinner with Rich and Mickey.

December 15 - Bill and Anthony's holiday party.

December 16 - I win the quarterly Customer Success award at work: At Risk Hero.

December 25 - Family Christmas dinner at our place.

December 26 - Fun karaoke night at La Casa with my theater friends.

December 27 - Took Mom to see the Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights

December 31 - We sent off 2024 with Kevin's family in Lexington. Family dinner at Malcolm and Steffanie's place in the evening. We started off 2025 with breakfast in our hotel with Bob and Susan.


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