Random Thoughts 30

There are advantages to being in such a low-ranking position in my gigantic company.  When vendors reach out to me trying to partner with us for their services, I can tell them, "I'm nothing more than a lowly customer service agent. I don't have the power to make those sort of decisions.  No, I'm too unimportant in the company to know who the right person would be."


Me at 4AM:  I am wide awake. I can’t sleep anymore. I have to wake up in an hour to do my workout. I might as well get out of bed and start my day early.

Me at 5 AM:  I am so tired. I want to go back to bed. I can’t because it’s time for my workout.  


Baby swans are not particularly ugly. Where did that fairy tale come from?


TV executives keep wanting to reboot old TV shows instead of making new ones. I think if they are going to reboot a show, it should be Mel and Susan Together


Revelation in a recent dance class:  “I was today years old when I realized the connection between the words chassè and cha cha.


Speaking of early mornings, when I am lying awake at 3AM, it’s not a good idea to start thinking of rhubarb pie.  


I realized today how much Donald Trump reminds me of Looney Tunes.  I am thinking of Elmer Fudd repeating over and over, “I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire.  I own a mansion and a yacht.”  I can just imagine Trump increasingly desperate to impress his audience and continuing his struggles to put a coherent sentence together saying over and over, “I am Donald J. Trump, millionaire.  I own a mansion and a yacht.”  Then I remember he can’t say that because he had to sell his yacht to a Saudi prince years ago because he couldn’t make payments on it.


Returning to the topic of rebooted television, if they were to go back to making After School Specials, what would they be about? I'm Addicted to Tik Tok! Liam Wants to Be a Girl (Not that there is anything wrong with that),  My Mom Says Harry Potter is a Sin

I guess After School Specials can't happen in today's world. When I was a kid, we were a captive audience.  I had no cable until I was 11 or 12.  I had seven channels to choose from (that's if you counted Channel 9, which I never did).  An After School Special felt like treat because it was a deviation from the usual programming.  What would make a kid with streaming platforms and cable television want to watch some poorly-acted, moralizing, melodrama?


I have never seen a refrigerator that wasn’t up against the kitchen wall. So now my overthinking mind has to wonder…

If the piece of glass was behind the refrigerator, how could Miss Lucy have been able to sit on it?  How did she get between the refrigerator and the wall?  I think the whole story is suspect. I don’t think she truly broke her little…

I shall ask you no more questions.


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