Chincoteague Pony Swim Week: What It's All About
Towels draped over the balcony, drying in the hot sun Sand. Everywhere. The roar of waves rushing past your ears, the salt up your nose, then the hard crash of your board against the sand. You stand up and head back into the surf because you can't wait to do it again Knowing the two most important items to pack are sunscreen and big repellant (aka Chincoteague cologne) and still going home tanned and covered in mosquito bites. Imagining what it would be like to own that little foal in the pen whose tiny face and distinctive spots just capture your heart. The hours spent hanging out on the boat with hundreds of other boats as you wait for the ponies to swim. It's the best party of the year. Seeing the red flare from the Coast Guard boat go off knowing the moment for the ponies has come. The indescribable feeling you have when you are the one making the winning bid on that special pony. The distinctive smell of hot oil used to fry oyster a...