Random Thoughts 22

I never ceased to be amazed at how people attached to their phones as if the phone were a  limb or a vital organ. I was on jury duty this past summer. On my first day my phone was confiscated at security.  Once our juror cards were issued later that day, the court deputy retrieved all our phones.  It was only half a day with no phones and my fellow jurors were freaking out.  How could they spend a day detached from the outside world?  A week later I saw a new juror come through courthouse security on her first day.  The security guard tried to take her phone and she refused. It’s crazy.  Who does she think she is going to call in the courtroom?  The whole point of jury duty is to be kept away from the outside world.  She couldn't go a few hours without her phone?


I never understood why people will say a successful wedding is one that happened, "Without a hitch".  If there was no "hitch" doesn't that mean the couple didn't get married?


Do you think God watches Facebook and takes special notice of people who type "God I love you," or "Amen" into the comments section of someone's religious meme?  I try to imagine God thinking, "There are civilians being killed in war-ravaged countries, children are going to bed hungry in wealthy countries like the US, the world is being torn apart by earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes everywhere, but these people typed, 'Amen' on Facebook, so I will bestow money, blessings, and good fortune on them." 


Dear Social Media:  I do not need a National ———— Day to appreciate the things I already care about, nor do I need to prove to all my followers how much I care about such things by observing said “holiday”.  Enough already.  Social media holidays are getting tiresome. You also don't need to prove to me how much you care about it either.  I believe you. #unpopularopinions


Do we need a booster shot for our COVID vaccines to continue to hold infection rates at bay?  What if you had a Moderna vaccine and the booster shot you can get is Pfizer?  I see this question raised often in the nightly news.  The question has been whether it's safe to "mix and match" vaccines.  When I watched the news last night, the latest update says it's fine to "mix and match" vaccines.  I don't take issue with vaccination.  I take issue with the phrase, "mix and match".  If you take two different vaccines, you are mixing them, but you are not matching them.  Where is the match?  Why do we call it mix and match?  They don't match, but they are mixed. 


Redundant phrase of the day: Spaghetti Noodles.  Seriously.  If it’s spaghetti, we know it’s noodles (unless you are using spaghetti squash, then feel free to use the qualifier).


I noticed that horror movies tend to take place in old buildings, particularly ones that are in some isolated spot out in the country.  I challenge more filmmakers to make horror movies about brand new high rise apartment buildings in a big city. I want a creepy movie in the most sterile, non-creepy setting imaginable.  Get creative.


Unpopular opinion time.  I am going to say it.  I don't the hype about Adele.  I'm not saying she's not talented, but it seems like she has a career on this shtick about being done wrong by men.  It's song after song on the same topic and after a few albums it all sounds the same.  I will go so far as to say I don't like her voice that much.  I understand that with my uneuphonious caterwauling I am in no place to criticize someone with such vocal technique and precision, but it's not my cup of tea.  I don't like her voice for the same reason I don't like Whitney Houston's voice.  She has to shout and scream and diva all over every note.  She's singing with the intention of showing the world what a good singer she is. Part of being a good singer is knowing when to back off and let the song be start.  But maybe that just takes this argument back to what I said about her songs.  Also, I feel she is as much about marketing as she is about talent.  Every release of a new song or album is treated like the release of a blockbuster movie.  She can't just be a singer.  She's a marketing campaign.  Isn't pop music corporate enough already?


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