Random Thoughts #38

Am I obsessed with food? 

Whenever I see those Salonpas commercials on TV, and the commercial ends with a tag for the company that sells it, I hear the VO sing, "Hisamitsu" and all I hear is "Tiramisu."


In case you're not convinced, I was typing a client's name in an email today whose last name was Duncan. I instinctively spelled it Dunkin first.


Facebook is full of dumb stuff, but if there is one game on Facebook that is beginning to irk me above all others, it's "Nametests" and similar apps. In most cases, the user is asked to select an image or a answer a short question, and it spits back some excuse for wisdom or tells you your fortune, or maybe provides some supposedly deep insight into the kind of person you are. This is usually along the lines of, "You have been through a lot of difficulties, which made you a strong person, but you are still vulnerable," or "You have a heart of gold, but if anyone crosses you or mistreats you, then you won't hesitate or fight back," or "You can be very sweet to those who are sweet to you, but you can be a lion when aroused." Does anyone need a Facebook quiz to be told, "You are a normal human being, and thus are quite multi-dimensional and complex?" 

I suppose it's cheaper than a cold reading from a psychic (although the results are similar) but is it worth the amount of personal data these sites are collecting from you whenever you click on one of these things?


I am always annoyed when I see someone spell the word lose (as in the verb meaning to misplace or being unable to find) as loose (as in the adjective meaning the opposite of tight), but this week I saw something I never saw before. Someone spelled loose as lose. It's almost hard to be annoyed by that because whoever wrote it was at least consistent.


It bugs me a little bit when commercials use the same voiceover, but different actors. I know the actors shown on screen aren't always the same actors doing the voiceover, but it still throws me for a loop when the voice is the same and the actor is different, particularly if the actor appears to be singing. I start to associate the voice with a particular actor. It's jarring when another actor shows up with the same voice doing the pitch.


Speaking of voiceovers, if I had a dog, I would never buy Farmer's Dog food. It's not because of the controversy about whether or not it's good for your dog. It's that I can't stand the voiceover on the commercial. That man's voice annoys me. I can't support a company that would pay a man to pitch for them who sounds so annoying. I can't even say why I can't stand that voice. I simply can't. 


Why is it dessert forks are small and dessert spoons are big?


According to travel experts on the internet, only Americans order coffee to go. In Europe everyone drinks coffee in the café. 

Upon returning to work in the office this week, I realized Americans have the right idea. On a beautiful day, I want to sip my post-lunch macchiato in the park, not in some crowded coffee shop.


A SURPRISING OPINION FROM RACHEL: Why are pundits so fixated on Trump falling asleep during his trial? Have you ever been to a trial? Three years ago I served on a jury. The air conditioning in the courtroom was set to Arctic levels. The court provided me with all the coffee and soda I could drink. The judge even interrupted the trial now and then to lead everyone in a stretching session. Do you know what? I STILL FELL ASLEEP at times during the trial. 

Even interesting trials have boring periods. Plus all attendees are sitting for hours on end. I don't know how anyone can avoid falling asleep, especially a 77-year-old man sitting through what appeared to be endless voir dire

Look, there are a million reasons to criticize Trump. There are no adjectives fitting enough to describe what an incompetent and evil president he was. He is a horrid and reprehensible human being in terrible cognitive decline. However, falling asleep during a trial is probably the most normal human thing he has done in years. Let this one go.


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